330 Couronne St.
Quebec, G1K 6E6

Megadeth and Lamb of God at Centre Videotron Quebec City

One of the “Big Four” of metal is back in town, while Megadeth and Lamb of God at the Videotron Center in Quebec City will be presented on October 27, 2020.


It is the return of one of the favorite groups of the inhabitants of eastern Canada while the concert of Megadeth and Lamb of God at the Center Videotron in Quebec City will take place on the evening of October 27, 2020, with in the first part another group very appreciated in the region, Lamb of God. Because 2 world famous metal bands do not seem to be enough, the two mastodons of the genre will be preceded on stage by Trivium and In Flames.


Tickets are on sale starting on Ferbruary 14, 2020 at 10 a.m. via the Centre Videotron website.


Megadeth: Their Quebec City origins.


It was in 1986 that the band of leader Dave Mustain appeared for the very first time in front of the Quebec public, during a concert given at the Expocité’s Exhibition Hall on July 23. This performance was Megadeth’s second concert outside of their native soil after a little noticed visit to a nightclub in Gatineau the day before. It was love at first sight both for the group and for the fans, the latter having already been conquered the previous year by the rival group of Mustain, Metallica. Rivals since the talented guitarist was mercilessly thanked by the James Hetfield’s band in 1983 because of his abuse of illicit substances, yet a very present happenstance at that time among all the members of the group. It’s this dismissal that gave Mustain the motivation to start his own project, with the avowed aim of revenge, and it is the same year that he joined forces with bassist David Ellefson.


Since then, 15 studio albums have come out of this union and granted us flagship songs of the “trash-metal” genre like Symphony of Destruction and À Tout le Monde, a piece which chorus is mainly interpreted in French, another proof of the beautiful relationship that the group has with the Francophonie, especially Quebec City. This song also gave its name to a beer brewed by the Quebec brewery Unibroue, at the request of Mustain itself.



The two groups that will perform the last acts of Megadeth’s show at the Videotron Center in Quebec on October 27, 2020 have a lot in common. Megadeth’s new percussionist Chris Adler has indeed rung his drums and double bass drums for Lamb of God from their creation until recently when he joined Mustain’s gang.


Now recognized as one of the best percussionists in the world, Adler is the driving force behind the very heavy sound of Lamb of God which has endured since their creation in 1994. Since then, the group has released 9 studio albums, not counting that composed and launched when they bore the name of Burn the Priest, a title they abandoned because of its Satanic affiliation. 2020 should see the group’s 10th album appear, which should be eponymous and contain 10 songs. The launch date is scheduled for May 8, 2020.



Since my ears have already suffered enough from my years of listening to heavy metal, hardcore and other genres of too heacy music, I give others the chance to revel in the melodies of Dave Mustain’s guitar and the frenzied drums’ rhythms from Art Cruz (the new Lamb of God drummer) during the concert of Megadeth Lamb of God at the Videotron Center in Quebec on October 27, 2020.

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