Becoming more and more popular over the past few years, the festivities of the New Year in Quebec City is transformed into a real winter festival, Toboggan, from December 28 to 31.
Now in the hands of the team to whom we owe the mega international success that has become the Quebec Summer Festival (FEQ), the New Year celebrations in Quebec City reinvent themselves and become a winter festival that will be called Toboggan. With the reputation that 3E evenement has successfully acquired over the last decade, we were entitled to expect an event of international proportion, and this is exactly what was announced this morning.
Internationally renowned DJ Zedd will open the march on Saturday, December 28th when he steps on the scene at Place Georges V, same spot where the new secondary scene of the FEQ was set this summer. Although a very little connoisseur of the EDM genre, the name of the young DJ rang a bell and doing my research for this text, I realized that he is behind the mega success Stay, his collaboration with the very talented Alessia Cara that everyone will certainly recognize. His other hits include I Want You To Know, again a collaboration with a mega-star, Selena Gomez, as well as Break Free composed with another artist at the top of the musical planet, Ariana Grande. All these songs come from his album True Colors, launched in 2015 and which propelled him to the 22nd rank of the best DJs in the world according to the specialized magazine DJMag.
The next day, Sunday, December 29, another world-class artist, Canadian this time, will make festival goers dance, while the duo composed of brothers Christopher and Alexander Van Den Hoef, DVBBS returns in the National Capital. This name will certainly bring back good memories to many, since they stole the show from the young Flume, the headliner of the electro party of the Quebec City Summer Festival in 2017. It still does not tell you anything? They are ranked 23rd in the top-100 from the same magazine mentioned in the previous paragraph with hits like Tsunami, Stampede and Gold Skies. They will be preceded on stage by Québécois DJ Domeno, the DJ from the beautiful province that radiates the most internationally.
Tickets for these 3 days of musical festivities, which will certainly warm the cold atmosphere of winter Quebec, are on sale now on the site of the event Toboggan.
You think I omitted the most important: the show of December 31? Who do you think I am! This is a unique concept that awaits you from the National Assembly and Place Georges V on December 31st, with the opposition of 2 totally different styles. First of all, we can not consider a New Year’s party in Quebec without traditional Québécois music! That’s what The Painchaud Family and Les Tireux d’roches (The Rock Slingers) (!) will offer you turn-to-turn on a specially arranged stage at the Place de l’Assemblée-Nationale, starting at 20:30. At the other side of the musical spectrum, those who have had it with rigodons and singalong songs will get their money’s worth with the duo EDM Canadian Loud Luxury. All offered absolutely free to all those who have the courage to brave the cold and join the few thousand other festival-goers.
Now a must-see for New Year’s festivities in Quebec, the Grande-Roue will be in operation from 13:00 to 23:00 the 4 days of the event and will give you a breathtaking view of the greater Quebec City area . A carousel will also be set up at Parc de la Francophonie, with a winter village that will offer drinks, food, outdoor fireplaces and musical entertainment.
And in summary, the New Year in Quebec City becomes a celebration of winter and promises 4 days of dancing pleasures that will help increase its popularity across the province, the country and I would dare to say the world! Be at the rendez-vous!