330 Couronne St.
Quebec, G1K 6E6
Indoor pool


When you stay at Hotel Quebec Best Western PLUS Downtown, you have access to the city’s most beautiful indoor heated pool, with hand-painted walls depicting some of the Old Capital Region’s most beautiful attractions such as Montmorency Falls Park, Orleans Island, Jacques-Cartier River Park, Mount Sainte-Anne and the Petit Champlain neighborhood.

Opening hours
Every day
7:00 am to 10:00 pm

Indoor pool in downtown Quebec City

With measurements of 5 meters by 7.6 meters and a depth of 1.2 meters, it is ideal for relaxing alone or with the family. Lounge chairs, sofas and a table are provided, and there are also goggles and games for the little ones. WiFi is always available throughout the hotel, including the pool, and power outlets are provided. A bathroom is also equipped so you can change without having to go to the hotel’s common areas. Towels are available on site.

As for the gym, it’s equipped with everything you’ll need to stay in shape, including a treadmill, walking trainer, elliptical machine, stationary bike, stationary weight station, exercise ball and yoga mat. A water fountain is available on site for you to rehydrate after a hard workout.