330 Couronne St.
Quebec, G1K 6E6

Where To Stay For Festival d’Été de Québec (FEQ)

Are you looking for the perfect place to stay during Festival d’Été de Québec (FEQ)? This vibrant music festival is sure to be one of the highlights of your summer, and having a comfortable hotel nearby can make it even better. What Is Festival D’été De Québec (FEQ)? Festival d’été de Québec (FEQ) is an […]

Tips To Enjoy Festival d’Été de Québec (FEQ)

6 au 16 juillet 2023 Tips To Enjoy Festival d’Été de Québec (FEQ) Festival d’Été de Québec (FEQ) is an annual event held in the vibrant city of Quebec and it’s one of Canada’s largest music festivals. Every year, thousands of people gather to take part in this amazing celebration that brings together some of […]